
Vasconia 4-Quart Aluminum Pressure Cooker Review

Vasconia 4-Quart Aluminum Pressure Cooker
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When I bought this pressure cooker, my goals were: (a) learn how to quickly prepare healthy meals, thereby avoiding fast food; and (b) not blow up my kitchen. Price was a major consideration, as my salad shooter, electric cheese grater, ice cream maker, and electric frying pan don't need another expensive companion in the "haven't used it in years" cabinet above the refrigerator.
Since I only paid $19.95 for the pressure cooker, I figured my first meal should be frugal as well. I bought some fresh broccoli, peas, mild chilies, and carrots on manager's sale at the local grocery. I sautéed a small onion and a diced tomato in the bottom of the cooker , then added the vegetables, three cups of rice, pepper, and a 26 oz. container of chicken broth. I clamped the lid on, cranked up the burner until steam started coming out, then put on the steam valve, lowered the heat, and cooked the whole thing for about 5 minutes. The result was a very tasty vegetable paella.
Here are a few hints for anyone buying one of these cookers. First, the master steam valve cap comes in a very small unmarked brown box in the bottom of the big box with the pressure cooker. It's very easy to miss, and I actually had to go fishing through my recycle bin to find it.
Also, there is a safety lock on the handle that engages when the cooker is under pressure. It is a small metal rod that protrudes down into the cooker and rises when pressure builds. You have to be careful not to over fill the cooker, or the valve can get stuck. If this happens, all the steam will escape through handle and you'll end up with a steamer instead of a pressure cooker.
I tested my pressure cooker by filling it with a few cups of water, letting the steam build, and checking the valves.
I couldn't find an answer in the directions, but I think you are supposed to hand wash these cookers; not put them in the dishwasher.
Overall, a pretty handy gadget for well less than the cost of a family dinner. For now, I'm keeping mine on the kitchen counter, close the the drawer with all the fast food menus. I'm hoping it stays there, in use, for a good while.

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Vasconia 4-quart aluminum pressure cooker

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